In case your mornings are very rushy-rushy then you need to have your closet organized to help yourself and make them easier. But you must know that it is easier than done to organize your closet aptly. We generally tend to use just a small percentage of what is just taking up the space of our closet and the stuff that we really need to wear does not catch our attention at the right time.
So if you really feel the need to buck up and make your mornings streamlined, then work a little bit to reorganize your closet. It might be sounding like a daunting task, but trust me, once you do, you would thank yourself in the time to come. This time is worth the investment. Simplify your life just by spending three to four hours on the completion of this project. Just lay the groundwork, stick to the system and before you realize it, it will be effortless to find that perfect outfit. So here is everything you need to know and stay organized.
Ways to Organize your Closet Beautifully
Layout everything you have
It is the first step and would be the most difficult one to do. But if you cross this most painful stage, then you would get into the feeling of getting everything sorted and cleaned out. Try it out and you would create an organizational system you would adore. Just take everything out of your damn closet and lay it on your bed or your dressing floor. This thing would give you a chance to inspect every item you have and decide what’s worth keeping and what is not.
Store Off-season Items
Now after you have done so, then separate your clothing season-wise. Your closet should feature only the clothes that can be worn in the current season. So it is a very nice way to organize your space without much brainstorming. Store your winter clothing and vice versa according to the changing seasons. And in case, you don’t have enough storage bins, then make sure to put them at the back of your closet. They should not interrupt the systemized setting of other clothing items.
Focus on Color Code
Another awesome way to organize your close hassle-free is to do it color-wise. We recommend you to do it in a two-tiered system. First of all, focus on the pieces that you tend to wear the most often. This way you would be able to shortlist at least twenty items. It may sound tedious, but it would work. After you are done with this step, then organize those pieces by color to mix and match items. Going this way would help you to dress up according to your mood.
Sort Your Shoes
All your shoes lying in a pile at the bottom of your closet? It is time to change that ongoing thing. Just take stock of the shoes you wear often and sort them. You can do so in two ways. First, do it categorically like flat sandals, flip flops, wedges, etc. Secondly, do it by color. This would help you do things super-specifically. Invest in clear storage boxes if you have pairs that are precious and can get easily damaged. They would help you quickly find all of your pairs.
Read More: Declutter The Mess And Get These Shoe Organizers Asap
Only keep what you wear
It is very necessary to do so to avoid all the cutters but we often neglect this part. We do so as it is hard to decide what to keep and what to throw away. But now is the time to decide on every item. See whether it is a “today” piece or a “someday” piece. It is quite common to hold on to something that does not fit, but the organization itself means to get rid of those “someday” pieces. But still, if you want to keep them, store them in a place that doesn’t catch your eye on a day-to-day basis. Or simply just flip the hangers so they won’t interrupt you while getting ready in the morning.